Tailor discounts to your specific needs. 

Discounts (and their associated coupon codes) now can be set up with a valid Date Range From/To and have Day of Week Filters applied.

Let's set up a discount that starts on 05/01/2019 12:00 AM.

Edit an existing discount. Alternatively first clone it and then edit the clone. 

If you are creating a new discount, save it first, find it in the list of discounts to then Edit it.

Web Admin (HQ or local store) > Promotion > Item Discounts / Order Discounts > Edit:

 Done! The discount will automatically get active on 05/01/2019 12:00 AM. 

If you want it to be a temporary discount, e.g. Xmas special, set up an End date as well.

Learn More...

Learn more about Discounts

How to add custom discounts

Discount clone feature

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