Setup Scanner

How to connect Scanner to cashier iPad

Tip: To use a scanner with your POS you must first connect the scanner with the Cashier iPad

On the Cashier iPad, go to Hamburger Menu > Scanner and follow the instructions found there. The basic steps are as follows:

1. Disconnect scanner from any previously connected devices.

2. Power on the scanner.

3. Scan the code below to enable scanning for the iPad.

4. Turn Bluetooth on for the iPad and connect the scanner

5. Scan code to test setup.

Enable manual entry of SKUs

Tip: Allows cashier to enter SKUs for an order without using a scanner

On the cashier iPad, go to Hamburger Menu > Scanner

Turn on “Show manual SKU input button on menu”

Configure scanner behaviour
Tip: Configure your scanner to beep or vibrate when scanning.

On the cashier iPad, go to Hamburger Menu > Scanner

NOTE: You must first connect the scanner to the Cashier iPad

Scan the appropriate code at the bottom of the page to configure your scanner to beep or vibrate.

Retail Items: Add SKUs to Menu

Retail Items are uploaded by the Franchisor at HQ level and synced to specific stores. HQ can update Retail Items to all stores.

Franchisees cannot upload new Retail Items but edit Retail Items synced from HQ at their local store. Those updates are only available at the specific local store they have been done at. 

Turn on the Retail Items option on HQ level and on specific store level

Operations > TouchpointPRO > POS settings > Admin Feature Switches: Retail Items

          Bulk Upload SKUs                                      Update SKU on individual ItemScreen-Shot-2018-03-16-at-14.56.20.png#asset:434

Bulk Upload SKUs (only from HQ level)
Tip: Download sample file for proper formatting of .csv

Food & Drinks > Upload Retail SKUs > Choose File (select your properly formatted .csv file) > Upload Items

Review the content and “Create Items” to add the uploaded list of Items. These items are now available on any of your menus when you scan the associated SKU.

If the list needs to be edited click “Cancel Upload” then edit your .csv and repeat the upload process.

Tip: Remember to Sync the menu once you’ve uploaded new SKUs

Franchises > Sync > Select All or select individual locations (make sure Reload Devices box is checked at the top) > Sync Now 

Update SKU on Individual Item

Food & Drink > Edit Retail SKUs > Edit (for item you want to change)

Scroll to the bottom of the page to update the SKU, then Save.

Remember to Sync the menu so changes made to an individual item go out to all franchisees.

WARNING: If you make an edit to a SKU at an individual store rather than at HQ you are making a local item change which may be overwritten by a subsequent HQ sync.