Sign up for DoorDash Drive on Reach out to Touchpoint Support to get the DoorDash Drive integration enabled for your brand.
Set up and activation on single store level
DoorDash Drive is set up and enabled in WebAdmin on local store level, for each store specifically.
API > 3rd-Party Integrations > Door Dash
Delivery (DoorDash Drive) - Enable DD Drive
Enabling DD Drive is the final step after entering information to all other fields!
Delivery (DoorDash Drive) - Store Pickup Instructions
E.g. Go to the back door.
Delivery (DoorDash Drive) - Pickup Time
It tells DoorDash the maximum Time for Driver to arrive at Restaurant, from the time of request. This number can't be less than 20 minutes.
Billing Info - Franchise Name
Enter here your store Touchpoint ID
Billing Info - Business Group Name
The field Business Group Name is to help avoiding confusion and to keep things organized.
Business Group Name is to identify the owner of that particular location or group of locations for billing purposes.
But it is not an ID provided by DoorDash!
It should be the franchise owner or business name. So if store owner Tom has 5 Stores in Nova Scotia, it could be “NovaScotia PizzaPoint, Tom Wood” for all 5 stores owned by Tom in Nova Scotia or "PizzaPoint, King Rd." for this specific store.
Additionally, DD will have the unique store id in which the request for a Dasher came from. So even if the name wasn’t correct in the WA field, DoorDash will still charge the correct store owner with the service.
Finally "Enable DD Delivery" by checking the box!
Request a Dasher to deliver your customers order
You want to request a Dasher for a Delivery-Order?
Find the order in Outstanding Orders (top left).
Tap the Delivery icon (truck).
Choose Request Dasher.
The order will now appear on the Dasher app, available for a dasher to claim it.
Prepare the order and mark it Done / Ready for Dispatch.
A dasher will arrive and pick up the order. The driver will update the order on the DoorDash app and it will automatically update to "En Route" on your Touchpoint POS.
Also, it will automatically be marked done once the Driver updates their app that the items have been delivered to the customer.
A delivery order with status "Ready for Dispatch", after requesting a Dasher. Note the grey DoorDash icon in the order header.
Once a dasher has claimed the order, the icon turns red.