Configuring Discounts
The Basic Idea: HQ will have pre-configured discounts to use. Follow these steps If you would like to add additional discounts of your own.
Configure global discounts on HQ Web Admin level.
Configure discounts applying only to individual stores, for each store separately in their Web Admin.
Note: you can add discounts to items or orders. This example explains how to add a new Item Discount and how to re-arrange the order on the POS Discount view.
1. Go to Promotions > Item Discounts (or Order Discounts) and click +Add Discount
2. Enter Discount Name and choose discount Type
There are three discount types to choose from:
- Amount
- Percent
- Target Price
Creating Target Discount
Set a fixed price for any item by defining a target price. Note that 200 = $2.00 , which means, each item is now priced at $2.00
Creating Amount Discount
This means an item price gets reduced by the amount you enter here. Note that 100 = $1.00
Creating Percentage Discount
Defining a percentage allows you to reduce the item price by the percentage you configure. Note that 500 = 50 %
3. Change listing of discounts
By Drag and Drop, you can re-arrange the listing of your discounts by click and hold on the arrows on the left side.