Process Refund. WebAdmin
Need to refund a credit payment? Good News!
From today Touchpoint features refunding credit payments from WebAdmin.
Franchisees can find the new “Process Refund” feature in
WebAdmin (store level) > Operations >
Payment > Process Refund
Touchpoints “Process Refund” WebAdmin feature makes it straightforward to find and refund orders in no time.
“Hey guys, we have a refund for Miss Saeki. She ordered a Classic Vegetarian Pizza some time between the 24th and 27th.”
Let’s find Miss Saekis order.
Process Refund. Find Order
We are looking for an order, placed between the 24th and 27th of May for Miss Saeki.
- Filter Results by order ID, Date, Cust. Name, Amount, Items, Name on Card or Last 4 Digits.
- Tap the Order ID to drill in!
“Please refund the Classic Vegetarian Pizza. We delivered the wrong item.”
Process Refund. Refund whole order or single items
We have found the order and want to refund an item from the order, the Classic Vegetarian Pizza.
1. Click to refund full order, including all items and gratuity.
2. Select to refund individual items, e.g. Classic Vegetarian.
3. Choose predefined or enter custom reason for refund.
4. Send customer an updated receipt.
Refund Credit Payment. Updated receipt and reports
When submitting the refund, the order will be updated everywhere in the system, including receipts and reports, in Web Admin as well as on POS.
1. Refunded Item
2. Refunded Credit Amount