When there are issues with some devices (but not all) then follow these steps to figure out what may be happening.

Here are the first things you'll want to look at first:
  1. Clear the TPPro app from memory
    a) double press the home key
    b) swipe upwards on the TouchpointPRO app
    c) swipe closed all other open apps and windows as well

  2. Re-establish the connection to TPINTERNAL
    a) from the iPad home screen, navigate to Settings > WiFi
    b) tap on blue "i" next to the current WiFi network; network should be TPINTERNAL
    c) tap "Forget this Network"; repeat for all remembered WiFi networks

  3. Restart the WiFi service
    a) stay in the System > WiFi menu
    b) toggle the WiFi switch “off"
    c) toggle the WiFi switch back to “on"

  4. Reconnect to the TPINTERNAL network
    a) tap on TPINTERNAL from the list of available networks
    b) reconnect to the network (password: tpiosecret)
    c) wait until the iOS confirms that the network is connected.

Usually, this is enough to clear up any underlying issues causing these specific iPads not to function properly. However, in the event that you are still running into issues on certain iPads, there are a few more things you can do!

If the issue is persisting, please do the following:

  1. Power cycle the iPad - because sometimes things just need to be turned off, and on again...
    a) hold down the screen-lock button for 5 seconds
    b) move the slider to power the iPad completely off
    c) press the power button to turn it back on again

  2. Verify internal and external connectivity - any newly installed apps require connection to the internet, so Apple can certify the install:
    a) navigate back to Settings > Wifi and confirm that iPad connection to TPINTERNAL
    b) open safari and browse to; if you see an install page, then TPINTERNAL is connected to the Local Cloud
    c) browse to Google.com and search for something; if the search works, then the Local Cloud is connected to the internet

    Please note down what you see from both "b)" and "c)"; we will need this info, if you're unable to get things working

  3. Ensure that the iPad is on an updated iOS - minimum iOS version is 10.4, for any of the newest versions of TouchpointPRO app (and the Peak app) to work
    a) from the iPad home screen, navigate to Settings > General > Software Update
    b) complete any pending iOS updates; 10.4 is the min. req, but 11+ is recommended
    c) once iPads is back up, check Settings > WiFi again to ensure it is still connecting to TPINTERNAL

    Please note that if your iOS version is only 10.3.3 but there are no updates available on this screen, then this iPad is from an older generation; this device will no longer work as part of your POS setup

  4. Verify that the TouchpointPRO Enterprise certificate is trusted - untrusted certificates will cause the app not to work; particularly relevant on devices with a fresh install of the app
    a) from the home screen, navigate to Settings > General > About, and ensure that "Touchpoint custom CA" is enabled
    b) Navigate to Settings > General > Profile & Device Management
    c) if not already done, tap "Trust" on any Touchpoint certificates present

    Please note down if there are no Touchpoint certificates/entries on either of these two screens; we will also require this information, should Touchpoint need to get involved

  5. Ensure that the protective jacket/case is not too tight - when the case is too tight, it can cause "ghost taps" which the iOS and the app struggle to process
    a) remove any protective casing from the iPad
    b) reboot the iPad; directions included above
    c) relaunch the app, and see if you are able to continue normally now

    If this resolves the issue, you will need to contact the provider, and see about swapping this protective jacket for another one with more accurate tolerances

  6. Reinstall the TouchpointPro app - if the issue persists but you are connected to TPINTERNAL, getting a 10.0.0.X IP address, successfully search for things on Google, and are able to browse to in Safari, then this will be the last ditch effort
    a) double press the home key, and return to the home screen
    b) long press the TouchpointPRO icon for 2-3 seconds, then tap the "X" to uninstall
    c) reinstall the app by browsing to in Safari, and try

    Please be aware that we do not recommend uninstalling the app at any time, unless otherwise instructed to by someone from Touchpoint

If you are still having issues with some devices after having gone through all of the above, then we will just need some more information from you so we can investigate this further.

In this event, please compile the information you were asked to note above, as well as answers to the following:
  1. Confirmation that no non-Touchpoint devices are connected to the TPINTERNAL WiFi network - may need to check things like your streaming radio player, security cameras, and office computers, but especially check with co-workers to ensure their phones are connected to your guest or in-store WiFi network, and not TPINTERNAL.

  2. Confirmation that there is no MDM (mobile device management) apps or settings on your iPads - these devices block installations, updates, and possible even POS functions. If you're unsure, you may need to check with your Operator/Franchiser, or with whomever administrates your network
  3. A list of all problematic iPads - we'll need this so that we can check the devices on the back end.

    Identify the affected iPads by doing the following on each one:
    a) press the home key to get to the iPad home screen
    b) navigate to Settings>Wifi
    c) tap on TPINTERNAL, then note down the IP address from the information panel on the right.

Once you have the requested details, as well as the answers to the three points above, simply send an email to [email protected] with them included; we will review further, and update you with the next steps or resolution.