Setting Up Credit Card Payment Processor


PayPal Payment Configuration

1. PayPal Here _ Configuration

Setting up PayPal is Easy! First, visit and sign up for PayPal Here. Once you have your account credentials, configure PayPal here Payments in Touchpoint.

Important: Payments need to be configured for each individual store separately!

In the Web Admin (store level):
Navigate to Backoffice > 3rd Party Integration > PayPal Here

Enable PayPal Here processing. 

1. Toggle PayPal Here processing "Live".  

2. Click 'Login with PayPal'

3. Enter your registered email and password

PayPal finds your account. 

4. Click green confirm button

Your account is now configured and ready to accept live Paypal payments but not yet Live!

Before you start processing CreditCard payments at your store, just Set Payments Live.

2. PayPal Here _ Set Payments live

Go to Operations > Profile > Payment Settings > and check "Payments live"



Setup CardConnect as main payment processor

Download .pdf of CardConnect set-up instructions below.