After pairing the EMV devices successfully with TouchpointPRO, taking card payments is simple. TouchpointPro will prompt to swipe or touch connect the card. Simply follow the instructions on the iPad.

Card transactions can fail for various reasons, e.g. bad card, internet is not available at your store, PayPal is not available etc.

Let's look at some of these possible issues and how to resolve them.

1. Internet is not available while initialising the EMV device during payment process

 If the internet is unavailable at this point, TouchpointPRO will message this screen.


2. When PayPal or the internet is available after initialisation, but is lost before the payment completes

In this case you will see this screen.


In both scenarios 'X' out from the payment screen, and start another 'Credit' payment. 

Simply leave the Payment taking screen and then start another by pressing 'Credit’. If PayPal or the internet is available, then the next transaction will work. 

3. When PayPal setup is done and there is an active internet connection, but transaction still fails to complete.

You can retry the transactions as outlined in scenario #2, however, if the issue persists then you will need to contact PayPal Support for further assistance; this error is not being generated from Touchpoint.

4. When adjustments are made to your PayPal account (ie. password change), but the integration is not redone in Web Admin.

In this case you will see this error on the payment screen.

To resolve this, simply sign into Web Admin and navigate to: Back Office > 3rd Party Integrations > PayPal Here, then sign out of, and back into, PayPal from there.

4. Frequent device errors like "Unavailable" or "Disconnected", and/or other general hardware connectivity concerns.

In cases where you are seeing regular bluetooth disconnects between the iPad and the reader, you should first ensure that the reader has power and is well charged up. You'll need to make sure you've run any available updates on the POS, and that you're keeping your iPads themselves updated.

If none of the above seem to apply, there is another thing to consider-- If the TouchpointPRO app is closed or sent to the background for 2mins, the EMV readers will power down and then need to reboot when the app is brought back into focus. If employees are not allowing 6-8 seconds after the reboot before running cards, they may get a disconnection error or a delay in the transaction processing; best bet is to leave the TouchpointPRO app open at all times, and only use the POS iPads for POS related tasks.