Admin Walkthroughs

1. Menu 

Question: "Have you tested your menu thoroughly and added any local items specific to this store?"

2. Discounts Question: "Have you configured all of your Item & Order Discounts, Coupons?"

3. Employees 
Question: “Have you entered all of your employees with phone numbers into your backend?"

4. Email Reports 
Question: "Have you set up all of your email reports?"

5. Check Magtek and Payment Settings from the backend 
Question: “Did you get your Magensa account setup?”
Question: "What does Web Admin show in Operations > Payment Settings?"

6. Check taxes are properly configured
Question: "Have you verified the correct taxes are accurately configured for this store?"
Make sure the manager reviews the sales tax configuration.

Physical Equipment Walkthrough

1. Install TP hardware kit and customer supplied equipment at least 1 week before go liveQuestion: "Each kit is specfically pre-configured for one store. Have you followed the instructions and installed all equipment at this store?"
  • UPS/battery backup is properly powered, 
  • Local Cloud is plugged into the outlet with battery, 
  • both APs are active 
  • Label printers print and Cash Drawer open
  • CC swipers
2. Verify that battery back-up works properlyQuestion: “Pull the power cord of the battery backup from the wall. Is your Touchpoint system still working?"
3. Verify that each iPad can download and use the TPPro app
4. Configure each Cashier properly and with the correct CC swiperQuestion: "Have you set the roles for for all devices? (i.e. Logout, settings,: cashier, linebuster, pickup) and logged in the device:"
5. Check that each KDS is listening to the correct inputs and is set to "Pickup" not "Prep"Question“Do you have more than one machine making drinks? If so, do those machines only make drinks for one side of the shop? If so, do you know how to filter the orders you don’t want to see from showing up on the KDS?
6. Verify that each printer prints (label and receipt)Question“From order history, when you print a receipt does it print from the correct printer?
Question“From the KDS when an order is finished where does the label print?"

7. Verify cash drawer pops when you do a cash sale or a no saleQuestion“Go to one of your register iPads, when you go to 'active cash drawer' and hit no sale, does the cash drawer pop open?"
8. Check that payments are configuredQuestion: “Can your Magtek reader swipe a card and charge it successfully? Can your printer print a receipt for that? Can you refund it?”
  • Perform a test transaction ($1 or $2) at each Cashier and Linebuster, print receipt.
  • Refund all but one transactions (leave one so can verify money deposits).
9. Check Linebuster rangeQuestion“Can you walk out to as far as you ever think you’ll have a customer and add drinks to an order and send them in? If you see “repairing network” or the little spinning wheel then you know there could be potential coverage issues.”

HQ Responsibilities

1. Menu correctness and know how to edit and sync'  

2. Loyalty points per item
3. Tax settings double check
4. Brandwide Discounts (separate from local discounts9
5. Loyalty program (name, icon, signup discount, add link on HQ brand page etc.) 
6. Reporting categories 
7. GC and Loyalty Export
8. GC Order
9. Every store employee has completed Training Checklist (see tab) before launch

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